The Story

Entering the performance space
One of the actors gives you an egg-shaped lamp that you can keep with you throughout the show.
You follow one of the actors into the performance space.
You sit on a round floor cushion or a chair.

Egg-shaped lamps
Two actors with egg-shaped lamps will come toward you to say hello.
You can tell them your name if you want.

The mama bird
The mama bird puppet calmly wakes up. She flies above you.
You can touch her wings as they pass by.

The rain
The actors unroll a large plastic and mist water around it.
They can spray some mist on you, or you can say no thank you.

The bees
The bees invite you to play with them on round green circles.
You can stand up or remain seated.

The caterpillars
The caterpillar puppets dance. They come close to you.
The caterpillar puppet can climb onto you, or you can say no thank you.

The millipede
The actors offer you colored sticks. They invite you to play music with them.
You can take a stick and make music, or you can say no thank you.

The night
The actors show you a moon and its stars.
The light can come close to you, or you can say no thank you.

Listen to the didgeridoo instrument vibrate.
The actors will remove their face masks to play the instrument. Keep your distance from them.

The baby birds
The baby bird puppets sing. They come close to you.
You can touch and play with the baby birds, or you can say no thank you.

The birds take flight
The mama bird puppet comes to see her babies.
It’s the end of the show. You can applaud if you want.

Exiting with the mama bird
It's time to leave the room.
You return to the welcome area. We give you a paper beak.
You can bring it back to school and home.